Welcome to Daksh Telecom Our company's privacy policies that you have to follow are that no refund is possible if any transaction is successful. If you face any problem while adding the second balance, you can call our 24x7 helpline number (8222092212) or chat on the website or mail(contact@dakshtelecom.in) us. Our team will help you immediately. If for some reason the transaction is successful but the balance does not reach the customer's account, then go to our transaction history and give a complaint. Your problem will be solved within 30 minutes after giving the complaint. For any reason, if you face any problem while adding balance to the wallet, you can contact us via email or WhatsApp or contact us on our helpline number.If once you add balance to your virtual account, you will not get the refund from your bank. But if due to any problem during balance addition, money has been deducted from your account but balance has not been added then it is possible to get refund.